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There are two ways you can financially support a new refugee family.  Firstly, you can donate towards our fundraising to enable us to make the application.  To apply we need to have a minimum of £9,000 in the bank to show that we can meet unexpected costs that may come up.   Secondly, once the family arrive, they will need monthly support from the charity to make ends meet until they can start work.  We are asking for people to pledge a monthly amount to help support the family in this way, giving will not start until the family arrive and will be for a maximum of 2 years. 

DONATE NOW :   To donate now you can make a payment to our bank account, the details are below : 

Account Name :   Epsom Community Sponsorship 

Sort Code : 23-05-80

Account Number :  42461121


If you are happy for us to claim Gift Aid on this donation then please fill out the form below and submit it to us. 


Gift Aid Form


PLEDGE MONTHLY SUPPORT :   If you are happy to pledge a monthly amount to help support the family once they arrive then please e mail us at  The monthly donations can be any amount and will continue until the family learn enough English to access work, or a maximum of 2 years.   

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